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Unlock your Unrealised Potential and Capabilities

Gain valuable insights and a diverse perspective to unlock new opportunities for growth and development.




With real-time results and ICF-accredited coaching, I can assist business leaders (including C-suite executives, startup founders, and MSME promoters) in establishing and attaining their professional objectives. This enables them to realize their full potential and fosters sustainable expansion.

By implementing a personalized program, I expedite the process of transformative growth for executives. I adopt a comprehensive methodology that incorporates a range of evaluation instruments, tracks advancement at each stage, and establishes objectives and goals that align with your vocational and personal ambitions.

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My holistic approach as an ICF and EMCC-certified professional uses various certified assessment tools, which measure your progress at every stage and assist my clients in reaching their professional and personal aspirations.

I have worked with over 200+ individuals and entities as a mentor and coach, inspiring and motivating executive teams as they navigate uncertainty.

Digital transformation, operations, and strategy

Enhance leadership capabilities

Refine business strategies

Overcome intricate challenges




Holistic Coaching
Discovery Sessions
Tailored Coaching for
ambitious leaders
Comprehensive Support
Measuring success
Holistic Coaching
  • Establishing Coaching Agreements
  • Emphasising trust and effective communication
  • Maintaining ethical standards
Discovery Sessions
  • Building Rapport
  • Clarifying objectives
  • Aligning expectations
Comprehensive Support
  • Fostering emotional maturity & leadership capabilities
  • Strategic Insights
  • Facilitiating Industry connections and networking
Measuring success
  • Using various assessment tools
  • Evaluating goal achievement
  • Ensuring tangible progress
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What will the coaching process be like?

Here’s an overview of the recommended coaching process according to the International Coaching Federation (ICF), which outlines a structured coaching process to ensure effective and ethical coaching practices

Establishing the Coaching Agreement
  • Understanding Coaching: Ensuring you know what coaching is and is not, distinguishing it from consulting, therapy, or mentoring.
  • Setting Expectations: Clarifying the roles and responsibilities of both coach and client.
  • Agreement Details: Establishing the logistics of the coaching engagement, such as schedule, duration, confidentiality, and costs.
Building the Coaching Relationship
  • Trust and Intimacy: Creating a safe, supportive environment that encourages openness and trust.
  • Coaching Presence: Being fully present and flexible to respond to the client’s needs.
Effective Communication
  • Active listening: listening to understand the client’s context, emotions, and underlying thoughts without judgment.
  • Powerful Questioning: Asking questions that reveal the information needed for maximum benefit to the coaching relationship.
  • Direct Communication: Communicate effectively during coaching sessions using clear and articulate language.
Facilitating Learning and Results
  • Creating awareness: helping clients discover insights, different perspectives, and new ways of understanding themselves and their situation.
  • Designing Actions: Collaborating with the client to design actions and steps to lead them toward their goals effectively.
  • Planning and Goal Setting: Developing and maintaining an effective coaching plan with the client.
  • Managing Progress and Accountability: Keeping clients accountable and on track with their goals, celebrating successes, and re-evaluating their path as needed.
Evaluation and Conclusion
  • Measuring Results: Evaluating the effectiveness of the coaching engagement in meeting the client’s goals.
  • Concluding the Coaching Process: Ending the coaching relationship to honor the experience and encourage the client to continue self-development.
Ethical Guidelines and Professional Standards
  • Adhering to the ICF Code of Ethics includes maintaining confidentiality, avoiding conflicts of interest, and ensuring professional conduct.

Note: This process is designed to be flexible and adaptable to meet each client’s unique needs and goals. ICF-certified coaches receive training on adhering to these standards to ensure their coaching is effective, professional, and ethical.

Goal Achievement
  • Specific Goals: Success can be measured against the specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals set at the beginning of the coaching engagement.
  • Milestones: Evaluate progress towards these goals at regular intervals.
360-Degree Feedback
  • Before and after coaching, gather feedback from various stakeholders, including superiors, peers, and direct reports, to assess changes in the executive’s behaviors, leadership styles, and interpersonal relationships.
  • The executive’s perception of their growth and development can be a valuable measure of coaching success. This can include their self-reported increases in confidence, clarity, decision-making ability, and stress management.
Performance Indicators
  • Business Performance: Look at key performance indicators (KPIs) relevant to the executive’s role, such as revenue growth, cost reduction, project completion rates, and other measurable outcomes.
  • Team Performance: Assess improvements in team productivity, engagement, morale, and turnover rates.
Behavioral Changes
  • Observe and measure changes in the executive’s behavior and leadership style. This can include improvements in communication, conflict resolution, delegation, and emotions.
Return on Investment (ROI)
  • Calculate the financial return on investment by comparing the cost of coaching against the financial gains achieved through the coaching outcomes. This can include increased revenue, reduced costs, and other quantifiable benefits.
Qualitative Feedback
  • Gather anecdotal evidence and qualitative feedback from various stakeholders to get a nuanced view of the executive’s development and the impact of coaching on the organization.
Follow-up Assessments
  • Conduct follow-up assessments after the coaching engagement has concluded to evaluate the sustainability of changes and long-term impact.
Psychometric Assessments
  • Utilize pre- and post-coaching psychometric assessments to measure changes in personality traits, emotional intelligence, and leadership competencies.
Engagement and Culture Metrics
  • Assess changes in organizational culture and employee engagement levels that can be attributed to the executive’s enhanced leadership effectiveness.

Establishing these measurement criteria at the outset of the coaching engagement is important, as well as ensuring a clear agreement on measuring success. Regular check-ins and a final review can ensure that the coaching is on track to meet the desired outcomes.

Exchange pleasantries and create a conducive atmosphere that encourages candid dialogue.

Details about the coaching procedure, encompassing the format, structure, and time allotment of coaching sessions. In addition, confidentiality, fees, scheduling, and other logistical aspects may be deliberated.

I will discuss your aspirations, objectives, and desired results regarding coaching. This may entail a dialogue regarding your areas of proficiency, obstacles, principles, and ambitions.

I may administer an initial assessment or evaluation to comprehensively comprehend your strengths, personality traits, leadership style, and areas for improvement.

We should explicitly state expectations, roles, and responsibilities to promote alignment and mutual comprehension. This may entail examining my methodology, approach, and domains of expertise.

Establishing rapport is critical for developing a prosperous coaching relationship. Active listening, empathy, and sincere inquiry regarding your experiences and perspectives may be required.

Following the agreement reached after the discovery session, we may proceed with coaching. When both parties reach a consensus, they may delineate precise objectives, a course of action, and a schedule for subsequent coaching sessions.

Professional Affiliations

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I will support you on your path to cultivating emotional maturity and a deeper understanding of how you are preparing for a

leadership role

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Why do you need a coach?

Coaches can help bring perspective to your unique journey with effective feedback and charted avenues for growth. Unleashing your full potential needs one to step back and evaluate long-term goals and aspirations.

Coaches can help bring perspective to your unique journey with effective feedback and charted avenues for growth. Unleashing your full potential needs one to step back and evaluate long-term goals and aspirations.

Coaches can help bring perspective to your unique journey with effective feedback and charted avenues for growth. Unleashing your full potential needs one to step back and evaluate long-term goals and aspirations.

Coaches can help bring perspective to your unique journey with effective feedback and charted avenues for growth. Unleashing your full potential needs one to step back and evaluate long-term goals and aspirations.

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